Sentient Trader 

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The Trading Report

Once you have performed some trading with Sentient Trader, or after building a Trading History, you will want to know some details about the trading that has been performed.

A great deal of detail is available in the form of a Trading Report. Open the Trading Report for a chart with the menu Tools > View Trade Reports.


Sentient Trader will then compile the trading report for you.


At the top of the Trading Report there are 5 tabs:

The Summary

The summary page presents a great deal of information about the trading that has been performed on the chart.

Current Settings

These are the current trading settings on the chart, which have of course influenced the trading that has taken place. The settings are:



The following details are provided in the summary:

Rating your trading

There are various different ways of rating a trading system, and it is important that you understand them. Purveyors of trading systems will often sell a system on the basis of a single figure, such as the Win Ratio (in the above example the Win Ratio is 61%). However a single statistic such as that tells you nothing about the true success of the system.

At the very least you should consider two statistics:

It is in the combination of these two numbers that a true understanding of the success of the trading system can be gleaned.

Note that by means of the Trading Matrix of the Sentient Trading Methodology you can tailor a trading system to favor one or other (and to some extent, both) of these numbers.

Sentient Trading Information


If you are using the Sentient Trading Methodology on the chart then information pertinent to the Sentient Trading Methodology is presented. This information is presented in three columns, representing:

The information in each of these columns is presented as # of trades: % win ratio (amount of money made or lost).

The following statistics relevant to the trading methodology are provided:

The Equity Graph


The Equity Graph presents a graphic representation of the equity of your trading account. There are three lines plotted on the Equity Graph:

There are four buttons at the foot of the Trading Report:

Adjusting the Matrix

By clicking on the Adjust Matrix button you can open a Trading Matrix edit window, and adjust the matrix. When clicking on OK to confirm the Matrix edit, a new trading report will be generated, using the original trading history, filtered with the new matrix.

There is one difference with this Trading Report window, and that is that the Adjust Matrix button is replaced with a Save to Chart button. Clicking on that button will:

This effectively turns the trading history and situation of the chart in that of the Trading Report.

Note that this process is not entirely realistic, because all you are doing is filtering the original trading history with the new matrix. For this reason it is recommended that one build a history using a full matrix, otherwise the end result would be filtered twice - once during the initial building of the Trading History, and again with the new matrix. And that double filtering is not realistic.

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