I am very pleased to announce that The Hurst Trading Room now has its own podcast channel – http://0s4.com/r/HTR

On a regular basis I will be sharing my thoughts, and the thoughts of other analysts, on the markets. You can watch the video (or listen to the audio only if you prefer) on whatever device you choose, and whenever it suits you. I will also be including conversations with other Hurst analysts and traders and hope to make the podcast a valuable resource.

All very modern and convenient!

The Hurst Trading Room podcast


You can subscribe (for free) to the podcast here: http://0s4.com/r/HTR or you can simply search for it on iTunes and subscribe there. That way you will be alerted whenever I publish a new podcast.

Please give me feedback, and help me to make The Hurst Trading Room podcast a valuable addition the Hurst Cycles community. Let me know what you would like me to discuss.

(PS … I wanted a cover picture with charts, diamonds and cycles and things, but people who know better about these matters told me to put my face there … oh well)