Sentient Trader 

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Portfolio Management

Sentient Trader includes a powerful Portfolio Manager tool which allows you to create portfolios, and then view the results of trading a portfolio of instruments.

Successful portfolio management is a process that involves a good deal more than simply studying the portfolio reports, and we encourage you to learn as much you can about this important subject. To get you started, here are a few thoughts for consideration:

Expand your knowledge

Portfolio Management and the psychology of trading are subjects that have been well researched and written about. Sentient Trader is a tool that you should use to help you make trading decisions, but when it comes to portfolio management, and the choice of instruments that you would like to trade, and your own trading psychology then we would recommend you broaden your knowledge by reading books such as these:

The Sample Portfolio

If you are following the getting started process, then you should have built a portfolio which includes all 24 of the sample workspaces. This is most probably an unrealistic portfolio because of the number of simultaneous trades that you would have had to take. And so it is time for you to exercise some critical judgement on the sample workspaces that we have provided, and build a portfolio that suits you personally.

It might surprise you to learn that not all 24 workspaces are glowing examples of how to trade with Sentient Trader. We have purposefully included a few workspaces that are in fact very poor examples of successful Sentient Trading. It is now up to you to work out which of these charts you would like to trade, and which you will not trade. Here are some thoughts:

Why are some charts better than others? There are various reasons, including:

Here is your challenge:

Getting Started Roadmap for EOD Trial